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  • Writer's pictureJason Clark

Facts About the Crown You Should Know Before Getting a Crown

Dental crowns are the best solution for dental restorations. Many people around the world have grown on their teeth. Dental crowns are cover that is placed on top of your damaged teeth. These crowns are helpful to protect, cover, and restore the shape and size of your teeth. Crowns can also be used when fillings don't solve the problem.

Dental crowns are made from metals, porcelain, resin, and ceramics. They commonly don't demand special care over time besides good oral hygiene. Dental crowns are used for other types of methods too. Crown dental near me can help you with the best approach.

Dental crowns are a part of cosmetic dentistry. Worn down, permanently stained, a mishappen, or discolored tooth, a dental crown can cover all. A dental crown is one of the most common dental restoration efforts to make your teeth function as usual. A dental crown is a permanent cap that preserves and covers your chipped, broken, or weak teeth. Crowns are custom-made to match the rest of your teeth set.

A crown helps to restore your teeth' functionality and smile; this technique can improve your smile. If you face the same teeth issues, you are at the right place to get your natural smile back.

Purpose of Dental Crown

To help your teeth usually function like before and restore fractured or damaged teeth, a crown is the best option; it is cost-effective and makes your teeth look original.

It matches the color of your teeth as it is custom-made. It also strengthens the tooth following a root canal procedure. Sometimes, it also saves the tooth from extraction and maintains its structure. A dental crown near me regenerates your teeth's complete performance, protects them from further damage, and gives you a better smile.

One-Day Crown

The one-Day crown is installing the crown on the same day when you arrive at the Dental Emergency Clinic office. This process uses CAD and CAM technologies to design the dental crown for your teeth.

Temporary Crown

A temporary crown is placed on your teeth for some time until your permanent crown is not ready. The temporary crown is given for asthetic appeal while you wait for the permanent crown. A temporary adhesive is applied to the teeth, so it is easy to remove when the permanent crown is placed.

Caring for a Dental Crown

A dental crown does not need essential extra care. Just regular care like brushing and flossing daily with care and paying attention to the area where the crown meets the tooth. Or you may damage the crown with harsh brushing. Avoid hard foods like candies or sticky food that can harm your dental crown.

If you feel sensitive around the area of the crown, change the toothpaste that is sensitive to teeth. And if you are having habits like chewing nails, or opening any packet with your mouth, avoid doing so, as that can harm your crown, and visit your dental emergency clinic near me for regular check-ups and cleanings for good oral health.

In Conclusion:

Call and visit a Houston cosmetic dentist if you are considering a crown for your teeth. You can consult your dentist about whether you are a good candidate for the dental crown.

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