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  • Writer's pictureJason Clark

How Do Invisalign Aligners Work?

Invisalign is a brand of clear aligners, an orthodontic tool used to straighten teeth. According to the dentist office near me, clear or invisible aligners are medical-grade plastic mouthpieces built to order and pressed on teeth to move them into the proper position. Clear Invisalign aligners are a discrete replacement for traditional metal braces.

Customers should consider the benefits and disadvantages of Invisalign and traditional braces to determine which is preferable. Consider Invisalign before and after results and its advantages and disadvantages.

What are the advantageous factors of Invisalign aligners?


In contrast to traditional braces, clear Invisalign aligners are almost invisible from a distance. One of the main reasons why several individuals prefer clear aligners to standard braces is their discrete design. You can see the clear results through INVISALIGN BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES.


Clear aligners don't result in the scratches, cuts, pain, or discomfort that braces can. Invisalign near me also fits tightly against the teeth. While teeth realignment may cause pain and discomfort for patients, Invisalign generally lessens pain inside the mouth.

Ease of Flossing and Brushing

After removing the mouthpiece, wearers of transparent aligners can brush and floss normally; there is no need for the time-consuming and challenging oral care routine associated with traditional braces.

Chewy or sticky foods carry no risk.

People with Invisalign clear aligners should strictly avoid Hard and chewy foods, including nuts, popcorn, and bagels.

Fewer trips to the orthodontist

Some individuals will visit the orthodontist less frequently with aligners than braces. Although it's not always the best option for everyone, some online retailers provide transparent aligners and no in-person appointments for orthodontic treatment. On the other hand, Invisalign treatments frequently require visits every four to six weeks, and customers undergoing braces therapy must come in for adjustments regularly.

What are the significant drawbacks of Invisalign aligners?

For simple corrections only

Transparent aligners are typically most successful for persons who only need little straightening. Nevertheless, they only sometimes work.

Removable for eating

Patients who are using Invisalign trays are only allowed to hydrate with water. However, kids should take them off whenever they consume other food or liquids. Food is squishy and may easily damage the plastic. Users should also remove their aligners before drinking hot or colored liquids because the clear plastic easily warps and stains in the heat.

Calls for Discipline

For best Invisalign results, you must wear the Invisalign aligner for at least 20 to 22 hours daily. Less frequent use can hinder development or worsen the outcome. Because they are so easy to take out, transparent aligners should only be chosen by individuals who have the self-control to wear them for the specified number of hours each day. Another problem is losing aligners, which is particularly problematic for kids since it drives up costs and extends the time needed for therapy.

More tooth brushing

People with poor dental hygiene should refrain from wearing Invisalign since it can create cavities and bad breath. After eating or drinking, wearers should thoroughly rinse their teeth. Because most people eat during the day, brushing time may increase by two to three times.


The above-provided details and information help us learn valuable details regarding Invisalign aligners. For more practical details, please visit

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